Sunday, May 06, 2007

As Good As It Gets

I talked to my parents yesterday on the phone and
my Dad asked me how light it was getting these days.
Well, this is as good as it gets. I took this photo
today midday. It might be a little brighter if it
wasn't so cloudy but not by much. The last sunset was
several weeks ago and we've got about ten days before it
gets really dark - even at noon. Someone said the other
day that it's a good thing the sun is finally down
because it can't come back up in late August until it
goes down in late April. Uh, ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, those silly optimists. I love this photo, probably because I've been curious about the light, just like your dad. Gas report: $3.23, $3.21, and $2.99 in Meeker; $3.29 and going up in Rifle. No idea about GJ, because I haven't been there in awhile. Summer's a'comin' and the prices are rising.