There are only several reasons to go to Kouts Indiana.
One of them is to attend the Pork Fest. We did not
attend the Pork Fest. It takes place in August. I
once got reprimanded by a Kouts High School "Band Mother"
by mocking the Kouts "Marching 10" as I called them.
I definitely got an earful that day. It wasn't like they
didn't have talent...it was just that there weren't very
many members and I wss making an observation. At the
post office we've dropped a bunch of cash over the years,
mailing half our belongings to the Ice. I'm sure there are
several other reasons to go to Kouts as it's a nice enough
place. We just don't ever have much of a need to go
there. However, yesterday, before the weather got
really crappy, we went to the Christmas Open House at
St. Paul's Lutheran Church. This is the same church
my Grandparents attended. Other places in town were
participating, selling food, crafts and knick knacks,
but we only went to the events at St. Paul's. It wasn't
horribly exciting, but my parents knew lots of folks
there and we bought some baked items and a cook book.
as well as had a good lunch served by people of the
church and everyone was very nice and had worked hard.
How domestic of us!
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