Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy McMurdo Midwinter

Today is the longest night of the year.
Yes, that sounds funny but true. I guess it
would be better to say that Tonight is the
longest night of the year, but when
we haven't seen the sun since April and won't see it
again until August, the days (and nights) all kind of
run together. My NSF Boss, Bill took this photo of
McMurdo in late May, so we don't have anywhere near
this much light on the horizon but it makes for a better
photo than plain old darkness. We've actually had a
very mild winter so far temperature-wise, although I
spoke with someone in Grand Junction today who told me
that it was 95 degrees Fahrenheit there at the time,
making it 100 degrees colder here. I suppose it's all
relative. Anyway, Happy Midwinter to those of you in
the Southern Hemisphere and Happy first day of Summer
to those of you in the North! Only 60 days until WINFLY!

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