Monday, July 23, 2007

Warm Up America

It's not much of a secret that Lynn loves to knit.


She doesn't get to update her knitting blog very often
though since she's busy...Knitting!
However, one of her projects this year is sponsoring the
Antarctic branch of:

Warm Up America

Around the world, tens of thousands of volunteers knit and
crochet hats, scarfs, mittens, blankets, etc. for the less
fortunate. Here at McMurdo, a dozen or so women and men
are knitting and crocheting 7"X 9"squares to form a
blanket. This is the third annual event here and it
takes several months to complete the necessary squares
for the blanket.

A couple of years ago, Lynn took photos of the finished
product before donating it to a charity in Colorado.

This year though, the event is so popular that
they've already made enough squares for the first blanket
and are 12 squares into a second. Not bad for a group of
people who's nearest wool source is thousands of miles and
a five hour plane trip away. The goal is to sew all these
squares together before leaving the Ice in October. Once
that happens, I'll show photos here

1 comment:

andrea said...

That's awesome. Good work, Lynn! I love yarn!