I did a fairly thorough search the other day and discovered
that there are twenty blogs being produced from McMurdo during
this WINFLY period. I might have missed a few so if you happen
to know of any more, please let me know. I didn't include any
MySpace blogs since you usually have to join MySpace to read them.
In two weeks, when Mainbody starts, there will be way too many
blogs to keep track of.
I've received notes from others that there are blogs I missed.
I'm placing them in this post and will continue to do so.
Here they are - Click on the link to go to that blog.
A day in the life of Greg-O
Andy & Meghan World
Antarctic conservation blog
Antarctica and Beyond 07-08
Antarctica Dispatch
Antarctica: Take Two
B&G on Ice
galen in antarctica
good books
How Low Can You Go?
Keri's Excellent Adventures
kish's blawg
Life On The Ice
Living Life Backwards
On Our Way
Rebecca's Adventures in the Very Deep South
Ryan's Antarctic Ramblings
stuck between a sandwich and a cold place
The Gecko In The Sink
the siren song of the anti-bears
Travels With Mogwai
wandering in search of......
Way Down Under
These are the ones I know about:
summer firefighter http://mcpenguin.livejournal.com/
mcmurdo fireman? http://americanlemans1.livejournal.com/
big dead place http://bigdeadplace.com/forum/
Conservation blog at Scott http://piclib.nhm.ac.uk/antarctica/
mcmurdo winteroverer http://sandwichgirl.livejournal.com/
mcmurdo winteroverer http://frozen-annas.livejournal.com/
mcmurdo winteroverer http://knitsonice.blogspot.com/
Mcmurdo summer folks' blog http://mcmurdosummer2006.blogspot.com/
McMurdo couple http://jminantarctica.blogspot.com/
mcmurdo winteroverer http://bigblueglobe.blogspot.com/
McMurdo guy http://notyetthawed.wordpress.com/
McMurdo weather guy Cliff http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=41708275
McMurdo rec woman http://planetrek.com/blog/index.php
McMurdo woman http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-KHsruhI2erTVrYgMT1MBQQ--?cq=1&list =
McMurdo pix http://jasonsolis.blogspot.com/
McMurdo baker http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=184600696
McMurdo GA woman http://kerisadventures.blogspot.com/
McMurdo woman http://frozenfoxtale.livejournal.com/
McMurdo veteran http://kindpow.blogspot.com/
McMurdo man http://bgonice.blogspot.com/
McMurdo fuellie http://www.mollyfrancine.blogspot.com/
McMurdo guy? http://windyhart.wordpress.com/antarctica/
McMurdo couple http://megandandy.blogspot.com/
McMurdo veteran http://ninerdedhed.blogspot.com/
McMurdo fuellie http://icewishes.motime.com/
McMurdo SAR guy http://galengoindown.blogspot.com/
McMurdo woman janitor http://binkerton.blogspot.com/
McMurdo housing woman http://travelswithmogwai.blogspot.com/
McMurdo http://web.mac.com/charnets/Main/Blog/Blog.html
McMurdo FNG DA http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=20983757
McMurdo couple http://www.travelpod.com/travel-blog/i-wander/antarctica_2007/tpod.html
McMurdo seal researcher http://adamgonice.blogspot.com/
McMurdo guy http://highcountrystories.spaces.live.com/
Yeah, I know of some MySpace Ice folks, but unless it's a totally public no need to sign in to the cult blog, I don't list it either. Which is a shame.
My list of blogs is reaching ridiculous length on my blog. I've gotta get a drop down menu thing going on too.
Genevieve E
And BTW Anonymous Commenter of the Lengthy Blog List, I'm not there yet. On Ice that is, I'm due there on Oct 5th.
Thanks anonymous. I've added quite a few of the ones I didn't originally list.
Hi Genevieve,
Good to hear from you. I go to your blog all the time! Congrats on getting the job. I know it was touch and go for a while. Lynn and I will be getting out of here on the 3rd and staying at the Y. Maybe we'll see you there.
ps. I use a drop down on my blog. If you want, right click on my page and "view source". You'll see the html tag there and you can copy it to paste into your site.
hi Tom,
here's another Winfly blogger:
cheers! Marsha
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