Is this the end of this venerable old building and piece of Antarctic
"Effective immediately, B-063 housing the Bowling Alley - Weight Gym -
Ceramics Room - Boulder Room and Craft Room is closed to all personnel.
Do not enter the building for any reason.
A cross member structural beam has suffered a failure that has resulted
in the floor sagging approximately six inches. All of the floor joists butt
up and end on this one beam, causing overloading at this point. This is
an extremely unsafe condition that warrants closing the building for all
use by the community. There is a real risk that the second floor in the
building could collapse onto the first floor.
This will have a large impact on the community due to closing of a
building that houses several recreational venues that are used
extensively by the community. The weight room will no longer be
open and all bowling will stop until the building can be inspected and
repaired. Bowling leagues will no longer be allowed to use the bowling
alley and the leagues will need to determine how they will end the
current series without playing any further games. There is no estimated
time frame for when the building might reopen. The closure is totally
unavoidable and is for the safety of everyone on station".
Not good news. I'm not a structural engineer, but it's my hunch that the
building is doomed.
I think that most people were sick of my bowling persona anyway. However, I think that they need to come up with a solution to this problem soon as many people depend on the weight room in order to try to stay healthy during their stays in Antarctica. If they do not fix this problem in some way, it will be bad for the health of the community.
well it was only a matter of time. too bad though. i hope they can save the sewing machines. i bet they'll never build another bowling alley though. *sigh*
my first reaction was that of heartbreak, sadness, and general malaise. the bowling alley, and my desire to work there is how i originally found my way to mcmurdo. then, one *cs* reminded me that it's okay! we can always build another one! they have to rescue the pinsetting machines! they're the last ones on the planet! we can always set them up somewhere else! perhaps discovery hut!
I am heartbroken but I think we all saw it coming. Change always turns out well, in my experience. The ceiling has been sagging for a long while now. Interesting to see it in the photo.
I'd really be happy if they'd make Southern into the weight gym/bowling alley, have the pottery and sewing machines set up in some room on Hwy 1, and have the coffee house be at the Chalet. Move the climbing room to Southern too. Let's face it. Both quonset hut buildings are beyond hazardous nowadays. They are just too old. I'm glad action is being taken for our safety.
Anonymous is heartbroken, but Anonymous thinks we all saw it coming. Change always turns out well, in Anonymous's experience. The ceiling has been sagging for a long while now. Anonymous thinks it is interesting to see it in the photo.
Anonymous would be really happy if someone somewhere would make Southern into the weight gym/bowling alley, have the pottery and sewing machines set up in some room on Hwy 1, and have the coffee house be at the Chalet. Anonymous would also like to move the climbing room to Southern too. Let's face it. Anonymous doesn't like Southern, and wants to inflict his righteous verve on the world. Anonymous' view is that both quonset hut buildings are beyond hazardous nowadays. Anonymous says they are just too old. Anonymous is glad that action is being taken for our safety.
Anonymous is likely striving for a management position.
I think there is a reason anonymous chose to be that way. People with the views expressed similar to anonymous's generally lack courage.
It is more respectable to remain anonymous, while saying what you mean, than to offer your identity while curbing your speech.
To offer your identity and say what you mean is ideal, but typically results in social/political consequences, which is why it so seldom happens.
Those who have never considered anonymity are either very courageous, or have no dissident thoughts. Usually the latter.
i have no shame in saying that i love the bowling alley, and it will be a sad day when building 63 comes down. safety, yes, smaller footprint, whatever, i still think preemptive effort should/should have been made to save the building and a little piece of mcmurdo history and recreation.
my name is sandwich and i approve this message.
Where is Boozy the Clown during this crisis?
Surely Boozy, having the strength of ten clowns, can support the structure so McMurdoites can recreate.
Oh Boozy, where art thou?
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