Friday, February 27, 2009

Cheap Entertainment

It doesn't cost a lot, but it sure is good, albeit odd,
entertainment. When you don't own a car, riding the
bus in Christchurch is pretty much a necessity. It's
a great service that is clean, safe and efficient.
However...while riding on a longish trip,
like the one we took today from the City Centre to
a suburb and back, you realize why siblings should
not procreate. I don't think that the circus is in
town so it might be a good cross section of a few of
the folks that were on this route today. Just make
sure that you're off the bus by around 3pm though.
That's when each bus effectively becomes a school
bus and major doubts come into your head about
what direction the future of NZ is headed. Throwing
a teenager into a shirt and tie or plaid skirt and sweater
as a school uniform does not seem to change the
fact that there just might be a few kids that haven't
exactly been brought up well. (yes, I sound like an old coot)
To be honest though, most folks on the bus are just
normal, everyday people, making their way from
point A to point B. Maybe it's us Americans that are
the cheap entertainment for the Kiwis???

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