Thursday, February 11, 2010


I've begun the long, and hopefully not too arduous
job of packing. Hopefully, a week from today my
possessions will look like this, which is exactly
what I came down here with. Well, hopefully a bit
less as I have consumed several pounds of coffee
that accompanied me south. If it were just packing
my clothing, I could be ready in 15 minutes.
Unfortunately, packing down here also involves
storing room decorations, glassware, knick knacks,
etc. that make one's stay a little bit more like
home. Then, one has to move it all to a storage
place until it can be retrieved next year. I know
that Lynn would have everything done by now, but
I'm a bigger procrastinator and spreading it out
over time seems to make it less difficult. In
reality, it probably makes it even harder.

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