Many people who know me, or read this blog, know that
I am a Vexillologist. What is a Vexillologist you say? In
simplest terms, it is someone who studies flags. Over
seven years ago, I founded the Antarctic Vexillological
Association here at McMurdo. For many years, I was
pretty much the only member. Now, with the advent of
Facebook and it's own page, there are now 389 members!
Over the years, I've had various patches and stickers
made of the official flag. I designed the flag on a quiet,
cold day in the middle of winter at McMurdo. However,
I never had an actual "flag" made. Until now. I've
contracted with a company out of New York State to
have a really nice copy. One that will be strong enough
to put up with the wind down here and put up with the
elements. I plan to hoist it from several key places here
at McMurdo, but I also hope to have it before I make my
trip to the South Pole next month. I'd love for it to fly
at the bottom of the planet. I'm proud of my little group
and now it will have a flag worthy of the group itself.
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