Wednesday, July 27, 2005

52,000 Pounds of Chicken

This may look a little like the last scene in Raiders of
the Lost Ark, but what it actually is is one of three food
warehouses at McMurdo. This is the frozen food warehouse.
There is also a warehouse for dry goods and one for canned
goods. It's very cold in this building and half of the items
can't be accessed because there are too many boxes to be
moved easily. The Senior Materialsperson gave us a small
presentation last week on how the warehouse system for
food works and it sounds pretty frustrating from his end.
Raisins are located beneath thousands and thousands of
pounds of other items so they can't be reached. We've had
flank steak many times this year. That may sound good,
but when it's on the menu 4-5 times per week, under the
guise of "grilled meat" and other creative terms, it gets old
after a while. But...the most interesting fact is that the
warehouse now holds 52,000 pounds of chicken. Granted,
that must last all of McMurdo for an entire year, but when
we're having chicken even more than the aforementioned
grilled, flank steak, that's a heckuva lot of chicken!

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