Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

We received a funny photo the other day from our friend
Linda, who lives in Iowa. She was in Blue Earth, Minnesota
on a business trip. Blue Earth is the home to a 55 foot tall
fiberglass statue of the Jolly Green Giant. Since Linda is
about 5 foot nothing, it dwarfs her by about 50 feet. Blue
Earth supposedly is also the birthplace of the Ice Cream Sandwich,
but apparently there aren't any 55 foot tall Ice Cream Sandwich
statues nearby!


Anonymous said...

Been there, seen that. I had friends who lived outside of Blue Earth, and visiting Mr. Ho-ho-ho was obligatory. Elsewhere in Minnesota, they had equally strange statues to famous mythical Norwegians. Those statues are better than the defunct plan to post a 127-foot rifle outside of Rifle, Colorado. I was glad *that* idea failed. We already have landmarks in the west--they're called mountains. But I theorize that on the midwest prairie, you need something tall to look up to.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have always wondered about those places that are so low down on the tourist spectrum that they need to place "The World's Largest..." statues in hopes that a great big Jolly Green Giant can bring people to their pathetic little town. Go get yourselves some mountains, folks. ;)