Tuesday, May 30, 2006

...But You Wouldn't Know It

photo courtesy of Reuters

I'm a big fan of media...all sorts of media. But
I'm also one of it's biggest critics. On the
other side of the world, 100,000 refugees are
homeless, and machete-wielding thugs are patrolling
the streets of Dili, East Timor. Where is it in
the newspapers and on the major media outlets?
Somewhere near the back pages, if that, or on the
very late news. The media outlets in the United
States have a tendency to pay more attention to
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt than what is going
on in the rest of the world. Where is East Timor?
It's a former province of Indonesia that gained
independence several years ago and is located north
of Australia. What's important is that several
thousand Australian and Kiwi soldiers are there
to help keep the peace and thousands of people are
now homeless and being terrorized. I'll now step
off my soapbox and turn my television to BBC America.
It's news may be slightly biased against America,
but at least I won't have to listen to news about
Paris Hilton's remake of Rod Stewart songs. I'll
get to find out what's going on in the rest of the

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