Thursday, March 27, 2008

Crane In The Gap

Unfortunately, there's been a lot of sad news about
Cranes in the world lately, but fortunately nothing
dramatic is happening with our crane operation here
at McMurdo. The Redundant Bulk Fuel Tank Project is
moving along smoothly even though our main Grove crane
had an engine breakdown last week. This will cause a
brand new engine to be flown in from somewhere (either
the US, New Zealand or Australia) in the next six months.
It's pretty much business as usual though for the
5 "Tank Guys" who are here for the Extended Season to
construct the new tank that will eventually store
2 million gallons of fuel. This is one of 5 that are
planned. In the meantime, the crane itself poses
occasional challenges for the Helo crews as they are
reminded regularly about the "Crane in the Gap". They're
just not used to things being that tall around here.

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