Saturday, August 16, 2008

Table of Condiments

This is the time of year when everything gets cleaned
out. What am I going to use? What am I going to throw
away? What gets Skua'd? This includes the rather
"interesting" job of cleaning out the fridge. Most
fridge cleaning events are like archaeological digs.
Hmm...I think this used to be meat... I ran across this
fun chart that will help me in my endeavor. "The Table
of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad". This must
have been created by someone from Australia or New
Zealand...who else would even buy Vegemite...let alone
keep it for 2 months!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

4 months for peanut butter? 5 months for catsup?! That's crazy! My catsup sits around for at least 2 years. This condiment list was made for people far more afraid of bad food than USAP participants! :-)