Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Growing Little Plants

Armed with seed cups, potting soil and dirt, I took the first
steps yesterday to planting our garden. Our tomatoes,
three kinds of peppers and cantaloupes need to be planed
inside, grow into small plants, and then transplanted outside
for them to be successful. Using Lynn's fabricated seed cups,
I took two spoons of potting soil and filled the cups halfway.
Then I placed the tiny tiny seeds on top and then placed two
more spoonfuls of soil on top. Because the cantaloupes were
an afterthought (we purchased the seeds at Green Fields Seed
and Feed in Grand Junction), we didn't make enough cups.
Instead, we used half of an egg carton with a hold poked in the
bottom for drainage. This will also degrade well in the soil
when we place them in the ground. Now we just have to add
water, place in the sun, wait, and hope they will grow.

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